Research Article
21st Century Skill Grouping in Public Vocational School Students in Indonesia
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1 Pamulang University, South Tangerang, Banten, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 2(2), July 2021, e02110,
Submitted: 28 November 2020, Published: 08 August 2021
OPEN ACCESS 1911 Views 1023 Downloads
Vocational High Schools/VHS (or SMK in Indonesian), which initially aimed to produce ready-to-work graduates, is the biggest contributor to unemployment in Indonesia. In efforts to overcome this, VHS graduates need to be given 21st-century skills to increase agility to survive in the current industrial 4.0 era. 21st-century skills are described as the life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, and information communication and technology skills. This study conducted a sample grouping of the data from 10,737 students of State VHS in Bogor Regency who took advantage of the data mining process using clustering techniques. The method in this study uses the Cross-School Standard Process for Data Mining (CSISP-DM). While the algorithms used for cluster determination are hierarchical and non-hierarchic (K-Means) algorithms. SPSS 25 is used to help find accurate values. The results showed that life and career skills had a frequency of 4,130 students (38%), learning and innovation skills had a frequency of 4,977 students (46%) and information media and technology skills had a frequency of 3,796 students (35%). Meanwhile, 21st-century skills at 11 VHSs in Bogor Regency are described in stages. The results of Non-Hierarchical Clustering are described in three ways.
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