Research Article

YouTube Video Playlist as Mathematics Supplementary Learning Material for Blended Learning

Alvin Odon Insorio 1 2 3 * , Daniel Manansala Macandog 3
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1 College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal University, PHILIPPINES2 San Pedro College of Business Administration, PHILIPPINES3 San Pedro Relocation Center National High School–Main Campus, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 3(2), 2022, e02212,
Published: 02 October 2022
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Blended learning in the new normal is a mix of distance learning modalities that aims to promote better instruction delivery since face-to-face modality is not yet permitted due to the continuous spread of mutated COVID-19. Online distance learning combines modular or TV and radio-based instruction in the Philippines. However, one-hour per subject for the synchronous session is not enough to cover the one-week lessons and develop the target competencies in mathematics. Students struggled to understand the mathematics lesson discussed by the teacher during synchronous. They need many explanations and illustrative examples to understand the underlying concepts, principles, and procedures for solving mathematical problems. Hence, video lessons are the best solution to help students cope with challenges. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of YouTube video playlists as mathematics supplementary learning materials for blended learning. The participants are grade 7 students in public school under the third grading period. The instruments are test materials, a survey questionnaire, and an interview guide validated by three experts in mathematics education. Findings showed that the YouTube video playlist helped the students to understand and develop students’ mathematics competencies. Watching the said intervention boosted the students’ confidence in answering the learning activities and performing tasks. However, they suggested uploading more videos with closed captions, illustrative examples, and explanations. Hence, similar studies must be conducted to verify the findings in different schools since the study was limited to one school.


Insorio, A. O., & Macandog, D. M. (2022). YouTube Video Playlist as Mathematics Supplementary Learning Material for Blended Learning. European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 3(2), e02212.


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