Research Article

Online Teaching and Learning Under COVID-19 Pandemic; Perception of University Students in Ghana

Smart Asomaning Sarpong 1 2 3 * , Gabriel Dwomoh 1 , Ebenezer Kofi Boakye 1 , Irene Ofosua-Adjei 4
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1 Kumasi Technical University, GHANA2 Institute of Research, Innovation and Development - IRID, GHANA3 Centre for Social Science Research - CSSR, GHANA4 Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, GHANA* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 3(1), January 2022, e02203,
Submitted: 13 September 2021, Published: 20 December 2021
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, universities in Ghana instituted drastic interventions to support large-scale online teaching and learning. This study, therefore, examines student’s participation, level of satisfaction, and related challenges in teaching and learning delivery during the Coronavirus pandemic. The study also selects significant predictors of student’s e-learning perceptions. Data was collected via an online structured survey based on students from the Kumasi Technical University. In all 2000 complete responses were received and formed the basis for our analysis. The study results reveal that 197 (9.85% of the sample) were unable to fully participate due to challenges such as lack of access devices, unreliable internet connectivity, and inability to afford the cost of internet data. It is again clear from the results that about 90.1% of students are not satisfied with e-learning and its associated challenges. From the positive perception model, students held the view that e-learning technology in the COVID-19 era is positive regardless of the challenges. On the other hand, level 300 students, and Moodle VClass platform users express a high negative perception over the use of e-learning technology. It is clear from this study that further investments and contingency plans are needed to develop a resilient education system that supports electronic and distance learning and shapes the perception and acceptance of students. University managers and the Education Ministry should formulate post-COVID-19 strategies to promote e-learning in a developing country like Ghana.


Sarpong, S. A., Dwomoh, G., Boakye, E. K., & Ofosua-Adjei, I. (2022). Online Teaching and Learning Under COVID-19 Pandemic; Perception of University Students in Ghana. European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 3(1), e02203.


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