Research Article
Science Teachers’ Level of Technological Knowledge and the Effect of Demographic Variables in Ondo State, Nigeria
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1 Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba-Akoko (AAUA), NIGERIA* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 3(1), January 2022, e02202,
Submitted: 19 September 2021, Published: 20 December 2021
OPEN ACCESS 1304 Views 1023 Downloads
This study examines the level of Ondo State science teachers’ Technological Knowledge (TK) and the effect of demographic variables such as school geographical location and gender, with a view to bring about effective teaching of science concept through integration of technology. This study is based on survey research design. The population comprised all science teachers in public secondary schools in Ondo State. Data was collected from 628 science teachers across the three senatorial districts in the State. The instrument used was technological knowledge questionnaire and a reliability coefficient r = (0.93) was obtained using Cronbach Alpha. Two research hypotheses and one question were posed to guide the study. Findings from this study revealed that 66.9% of science teachers in Ondo State have low level of TK, a significant difference between the TK of rural and urban teachers and no significant difference between the TK usage between female and male teachers. It is recommended that government should develop a comprehensive framework for professional development that will assist teachers to develop skills to teach in the 21st century environment.
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